Category: Text Questions

It is obvious that when you love your girlfriend you want to talk to her daily. The main thing is you want to spend time with her and talk to her all day long. We can use social apps which are every where and easy to use and we can …
We do talk to our girls on texts and social media apps whole day long and spend time with them. So to give her best time and make her feel special you must know Flirty questions to ask a girl over text. Why it is important and why you should …
It is natural that when we like a girl we want to talk to her daily. It does not matter if she is your girlfriend or a best friend. The main thing is you want to talk to her as much as you can. Right now social apps are every …
Whenever we talk to a girl we always try to be smart and ask good questions. It is a great way to spend a quality time with her. If you can ask some interesting question it is almost sure that you both will have a good relation. We will let …